Membership Committee
The Membership Committee helps keep us all connected to each other, whether you are a current member or are considering joining Temple Beth Abraham.
Our goal is to create a warm feeling of inclusion and joy. Here's a sampling of our events: Our New Member Welcoming Party with wine, appetizers and silly games to help people get to know each other. The Joyous Chanukah party connected members with live music from the Sweet Vermouths, free craft projects for kids, and fabulous raffles.
The COVID-19 epidemic has disrupted our social and work patterns, isolating us from friends and family. Our clergy, teachers and staff had done an amazing job of pivoting to a virtual community, through ZOOM classes and meetings and live-streamed services. High Holyday services were amazing- intimate and enriching. The Membership committee is participating, and our goal is to reach out to everyone in the community, and to offer programs that bring joy, learning and comfort.
TBA Connects is a network of over 50 volunteers who reached out to all our congregants. This is a joint effort between the Membership, Tikkun Olam, and the TBA Cares committees, and is fueled by volunteers from across our population- New members, Chai Plus Members, Board Members, young and old. Some of these calls are short and sweet, some are sad, some lead to long discussions and new friendships as we reach out to all our members in this stressful time. We will continue to make periodic calls, especially to our elders and to people in need. Please send a note to if you’d like to join us in this mitzvah.
The chairs of the Member Services Committee are Bernice Rogowitz and Loretta London.
For more information, or to volunteer, please contact us at: